I have embarked on a journey this year that actually started a while back.
A journey of my creativity.
A journey that has started and stalled here and there.
A few years ago, a dear friend of mine encouraged me to create, using my crochet skills. I opened an etsy store, with some scarves, beanies and headbands. I actually had one of my items show up on the front page of etsy! This was the item:
And while I had the encouragement and support of friends and most of my family, I had negative energy that caused me to doubt myself, and I thus abandoned this store. I also didn't have the knowledge of how to pursue, showcase, network myself effectively out there.
During this I also had decided to pursue my photography as well.
I became immensely interested in sports photography. Here is one of my pieces:
And during that time, I made a few connections. I was doing this. I was going to pursue this. But then yet again, negative energy entered and, while I didn't completely abandon it, I let it fall wayside.
This year, I decided I wanted to pursue my creativity. But which path? Which creative endeavor to follow? What would I do?
I was discussing this with my dear friend Stacy delaRosa. In these talks she highly encouraged me to take this e-course by Kelly Rae Roberts, Flying Lessons: Tips and Tricks To Help Your Creative Business Soar.
It was within this e-course that I found my creative self.
It was within this e-course that I found my encouragement.
My dreams.
My wishes.
What I wanted to do.
It was there I found the tools I needed to help me along the way.
My journey.
I was also steered toward this book: A Place of Yes, 10 Rules for Getting Everything You Want Out of Life, by Bethenny Frankel. This book spoke to me. It helped me to realize a lot of things in my life.
I was simultaneously reading this book and taking Kelly Rae's e-course.
It helped me to realize that while there is negativity that will intrude in my life, I can still shine. I can choose to go with the ebbs and flows of life, and keep pursuing my dreams.
During the start of Kelly Rae's e-course one of the gorgeous ladies posted this of which I wrote down:
"I believe in myself
I believe in my dreams
I believe in me!
I believe in my talent
I believe in my creativity
I believe in my skill
I believe in my heart
I believe in my soul
I believe in my life
I believe in love
I believe in happiness
I believe it is possible
I believe I can do it
I believe....I just do"
This is a mantra I have written down so I can see every day.
And speaking of these gorgeous ladies, I have come to forge bonds with these ladies.
These gorgeous, wonderful, creative, inspiring women.
We encourage each other.
We support each other.
We are taking this journey together.
We will make it happen.
So please visit them as well, and show your support for them, for me, for all of us. We are living our dreams, we are going to make them come true.
Amaranthine Violet http://magic-gypsy.blogspot.com/
Amy Hillenbrand http://amyhillenbrand.blogspot.com
Beatriz Peñas B. http://beatrizbepe.blogspot.com/
Beth Cougler Blom www.sobliss.wordpress.com
Carmen Patti – www. carmenpattistudio.com
Carol Bray http://theredpaintedcottage.blogspot.com
Christina Fajardo http://christinafajardo.blogspot.com/
Cindy Jones Lantier -- http://www.lantier.org
Connie Rawlins - www.dabblinginlife.blogspot.com
Dana Brock - http://www.dzynbydana.blogspot.com
Deborah Velásquez-http://deborahvelasquez.blogspot.com
Elissa Brown- http://thefreckledarmy.blogspot.com
Hillary Courson -- http://www.hillarycourson.com
Jacquie Williamson - www.jacquiewilliamson.blogspot.com
Jane Paynting http://inkspiredwings.wordpress.com
Janet Forrest http://tatterednworn.wordpress.com/
Jennifer DeVille http://jenniferdeville.com/blog
Jill Lambert - www.jill-lambert.blogspot.com
Julie Hamilton http://spaark.wordpress.com
Kanchan Mahon - http://Kanchan-Mahon.blogspot.com/
Karen Claverie http://giddyupletsride.blogspot.com
Kari DeSaulnier - http://karidesi.blogspot.com/
Kathleen Conard http://newfromoldcreations.blogspot.com/
Kathleen McKinnon- http://harmonyschoolhouse.com/expressions-blog.html
Kathy May-http://kathymaydesigns.org
Kelley Miller www.kelleymillerartworks.blogspot.com
Kelly Corso- http://birdinatreecreations.blogspot.com/
Kelly Hoernig - www.kellyhoernig.blogspot.com
Kim Hyer-http://www.apaperaddict.com/
Kris Lanae Binsfeld - http://cherishdesigns.wordpress.com
Lenore Angela -http://www.lenoreangela.blogspot.com/
Linda Barutha --http://lindabaruthadesigns.blogspot.com
Lisa Michele Products - http://www.lisamicheleproducts.blogspot.com/
Liza Zeni Baker - www.lizazeni.wordpress.com
Lori Leissner--http://leissnerart.blogspot.com
Lori Moon -- http://lorimoonstudio.blogspot.com
Mary Sterk - http://justmarydesigns.wordpress.com
Megan Schmitt www.schmittenwithwords.blogspot.com
Melanie Douthit www.douthitgallery.blogspot.com
Michelle Dwyer http://www.magnetisedbylife.com/
Michelle Reynolds - http://shellsinthebush.blogspot.com/
Rachél Payne (Rae) http://collectingyourself.wordpress.com/
Rain Hannah - http://honeyandollie.com/
Rhiannon Connelly - http://www.starrybluesky.wordpress.com
Ruth-Mary Smith http://patchworkfamilieshub.blogspot.com
Sherry Richert Belul - http://simplycelebrate.net/cherry-blossom-soup
Shirley Ann http://leonardarenaissancewoman.blogspot.com/
Stacey Chadwick Brown - http://staceybrownarts.blogspot.com/
Susan M. Walls-Beverly - http://www.susanscharmingtrinkets.blogspot.com
Teresa Cash-Czech www.asmilemaker.com
Tonya Love - www.passport2creativity.com
Ursula Smith http://www.EasyScraps.com/blog
Zulma Cadena www.edustory.wordpress.com