Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Almost 9 years later......

 Wow......I went back and looked at the last time I wrote on this blog and it was almost NINE YEARS AGO!   A lot has DEFINITELY happened since then.


Almost 12 years ago, I moved into in a new place.  I'm still here.  Except for the fact that 7 years ago, my landlady SOLD me the place!  I never thought I would have been able to buy it, but I had some really great friends to help guide me in the direction to be able to buy it.

I wish I would say the same for my relationship with my former husband in the fact that things stayed the same.  Unfortunately they did not. Time happens, life happens and without going into too much details, it's just the way it is.  I wish him well in his life, along with his side of the family. and always do have the hope that a friendship or at least better civility would happen again.  Only time will tell.

Still at the same job. Almost 13 years now.

My oldest?  Graduated college, went to paralegal school and is now a paralegal for the city with benefits and all!  I love this for her!

My youngest?  She is getting ready to start her last year of college.  It's been a road of ups and downs but that's how life is, and she is doing so well right now.

Me?  Not too shabby.  A year ago I restarted my journey of obtaining a college degree.   I have a full year of classes under my belt and am ready to start my next year of college.  My goal is to hopefully get my bachelors in Accounting before I turn 60, which is less than 4 years away.

That wonderful man?  Not so much.  Apparently it was NOT meant to be.

But that's how life happens and someone else came into my life and it's been almost 7 years now and it's been pretty awesome.  It's a relationship like I've never had before.  We knew each other before we started dating and so a friendship was there before.  I also know what I want and what I DON'T want and am not afraid to speak up for myself.  

Photography?  Well, after 12 years of my side hustle business, I retired from it 2 years ago.  It was just too much.  I had a lot going on in my life around the times of my busy season and it just wasn't rewarding to me anymore.  I still will occasionally do it if I feel like it for friends and family.

Crocheting?  That has gone wayside as well.  It strained my shoulder and wrist too much.  I suppose after crocheting for almost 40 years, it just took it's toll on me.  My youngest crochets now though, so I'm loving that!

My goal in coming back to this blog is to start it up again.  To tell my stories.  To leave these words for my daughters and me.

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